
Healthy & tasty

Beet and sardines salad

Healthy, tasty and nutritious. Beets are a source of fiber, iron, minerals and vitamin C. Sardines are rich in omega 3 and protein.

  • 1/2 head butter lettuce or oak leaf lettuce
  • hand full of mini Roma tomatoes
  • 3 cooked beetroot
  • handful of olives (on water)
  • 200 g cooked lentils
  • 2 soft boiled eggs
  • 120 grams of sardines in extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tbsp pumpkin seeds or hemp seed
  • 8 walnuts halves
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbsp apple vinegar
  1. Place the eggs in water, bring to boil. Once the water boils, set the timer to 5 minutes. Then cool with cold water.
  2. Cook the lentils according to the packaging. As soon as the lentils are ready, rinse with cold water (use a strainer).
  3. Wash the lettuce and tomatoes. Cut into pieces and also cut the beetroot into small cubes.
  4.  Decorate a plate with the salad, tomatoes, beets and olives.
  5. Pour over a good amount of extra virgin olive oil and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  6. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds or hemp seeds and walnuts.
  7. When the lentils are ready, add 100 g per person.
  8. Peel the eggs. 2 half eggs per person.
  9. Garnish with the sardines.

Eat mindfully and enjoy!

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