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Green ricotta pie
8-10 servings:
450 g frozen green peas (Dutch: dop- of tuinerwten)
1 can kidney beans, rinsed with water
250 g ricotta cheese
4 eggs
2 teaspoons thyme
6 spoons sun flour seeds
6 spoons pumpkin seeds
125 g walnuts or pecan nuts
2 garlic gloves, diced
pepper and salt
Preheat the oven at 180 degrees. Defrost the green peas in a strainer by adding hot boiled water on top. Mix the ricotta cheese with the eggs, thyme, garlic, pepper and salt in a bowl.
Add the peas, nuts and seeds. Use baking paper before you put the mixture in a pie form (spring form pan).
The pie will be ready after 30 minutes! Let it cool down and cut it in 8-10 pieces.
Wrap these in aluminum foil. A piece of pie is a great and handy snack or a healthy lunch or dinner combined with a colorful salad.